Things to know about snakes in the United States.
Did you know in North America each year there are between 1400-8000 known cases of snakebite,
and the number of deaths from snakebites are between 1 and 5. Statistics also suggest that about 18
percent of snakebites in the U.S. are venomous. Of course even 1 death is 1 too many
Did you know there are (4) types of deadly snakes in the United States and they are:
Here in the United States they are broken down to 2 groups which are the Coral Snakes and
the Pit Vipers first, known that snakes only bite when they are provoked (Typically) or when you
startled them. If you leave them alone you should be Okay.
These snakes have a heart sensitive sensory organ on each side of there head that detect warm blooded prey and can strike accurately even in the dark.
Is a Pit Viper widespread, throughout the United States, is Responsible for most Venomous Bites. Copperhead bites are very painful, but rarely pose a serious threat to human life. However, If you get bitten by a Copperhead you should still seek medical attention as soon as possible. The description of a Copperhead is a tan to Copper color, but can vary widely based on the Region you are in. Common are the Patches of hourglass markings on its back and their Copper-colored triangular looking head. Copperheads are typically found in Massachusetts to Nebraska down to Texas and all Southeastern United States.
Did you know the Coral Snake is the Most Toxic snake of the Four Listed.
Its Venom is so powerful it will shut down the nervious system, your heart will stop beating, (suffocate)and you will likely Die. The Coral Snake and a King Snake almost look alike so be careful on what you are looking for. the Coral Snake is identified by Red,Yellow,Black and has a BLACK SNOUT.
The King Snake and Coral look alike but the King has a RED SNOUT.
Here is a easy way to remember:
There are 3 types of Coral Snakes and they are Eastern Coral, Western Coral, Texas Coral.
The Cottonmouth also know as the "Water Moccasin", is an aggressively fast nasty, cranky pit viper with larger venom glands. They have a "Thick Heavy Body" amd are brown, olive to grayish/black with a FLAT TOPPED HEAD. THE Cottonmouth's bite is far more serious than that of the Copperhead and can be fatal. When annoyed the Cottonmouth tends to stand Its ground and nay be gape or stare Repeatedly at the intruder, exposing the light "Cotton" lining of its mouth. The Cottonmouth lives from Virginia to Florida, Texas up to Missouri.
Here is a question to everyone? How many types of Rattle Snakes are there?
Answer: 33 Worldwide.
There are over 20 types that are in the United States and Mexico, Some seldom reach over 7 feet. And all possess a Rattle on tails end.
Here is a Fact: To be able to tell the age of the Rattle Snake depends on the number of Rattles it has in its tail.
A facial pit is located between the eye and nostril. Also did you know a Rattlesnake will not travel no more than one mile from the nests of its offspring to find food. Here are some examples and types of Rattle Snakes.
BLACK-TAILED RATTLESNAKE- Located in Southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona. The Black-Tailed Rattlesnake is large and bold. The venom of this snake appears to be highly toxic. And is considered dangerous to man. Average length 5 feet.
CANEBRAKE RATTLESNAKE- Is located in Northern Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Eastern Texas. This snake is a close relative to the "Timber Rattlesnake" the Canebrake is more irritable and ready to defend itself. Average length 3 feet maximum length 6 feet.
EASTERN DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE- Is located in Florida, Eastern Georgia, Eastern South Carolina. The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is the largest of all venomus snakes in the United States. Sullen disposition, bold and sometimes aggressive. Fangs can measure up to 1 inch in length in large specimens. The venom is toxic. Average Length 5 to 7 feet.
MASSASAUGA RATTLESNAKE- Is located in the Midwest Central United States from Canada to Texas. Venom of the Massasauga Rattlesnake is highly toxic to human. There are authenticated fatal bites in humans. Often called the 'BLACKSNAPPER' or SWAMP RATTLER. Usually found in BOG areas, swamps and dry fields average length 2 feet maximum length 3.5 feet.
MOJAVE RATTLESNAKE- ALSO KNOWN AS THE "WESTERN DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE" Is found in the Mojave Dessert. This snake is the most dangerous to man/human Its venom is the most toxic of all snakes in the United States. It is very important to recognize the Mojave Rattlesnake's Severe Respiratory Distress. It is often accompanied by its bite. CONSIDERED EXTREMELY Dangerous to man. Fatalities are known. Average length 3 to 4 feet.
PACIFIC RATTLESNAKE- Is located in California, Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington, is venomus and is found in high elevations. Average Size is 2 feet.
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